Pennsylvania Voice works through a statewide coalition of nonprofits called Keystone Counts to make sure that historically under-counted communities (people of color and immigrants) are counted in the upcoming 2020 census.
We created visuals for their multi-layered Get Out The Count initiative which involved door-to-door canvassing, and text and phone banking. This initiative is aimed at creating civic engagement to empower under-counted communities in Pennsylvania with information to feel activated and get counted.
The Get Out The Count initiative plans to reach atleast 250,000 households that probably would not have participated in the 2020 Census in 15 counties in Pennsylvania.
After the 2020 census outreach is completed, the coalition will build upon the infrastructure to expand into voter registration and turnout program in 25 counties with the largest communities of color. We created visuals to demonstrate growth of communities of color, and expansion from the Get Out The Count to 2020 Electoral Program.
Pennsylvania Voice is a statewide network of more than 35 organizations. Partners share a vision of full participation and representation in our democracy of the New American Majority—people of color, young people (under 34), and single women—in Pennsylvania. This work requires vision and long term campaign planning. The full participation by the New American Majority cannot be achieved through one election cycle, one legislative fight, or one campaign. Together partners build the power needed to break down barriers to civic participation, restore confidence in government, and bring historically marginalized populations—and their issues—to the center of public discourse.
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